The Trend Towards The Adoption of WhatsApp for Business Purposes

In the middle bracket markets of South Africa and Western Europe, the move towards common use of WhatsApp for business purposes is rapidly accelerating.

This is a slide from our WhatsApp Lead Manager pitch deck. We show it in most client pitches to demonstrate the trend towards the adoption of WhatsApp for business related activities.

I say ‘MOST pitches’ and not ‘ALL pitches’ because in markets like the UAE, WhatsApp is so entrenched that showing this page is redundant.

Indeed, different markets are at different stages of the journey towards WhatsApp becoming a primary communication channel for business interactions.

In Dubai it's the only game in town.

A market like Mexico (and probably elsewhere in Latam) is not far behind.

South Africa is in the middle of the pack while Western Europe is slightly further back.

Places like the US, Canada and Australia that have barely left the starting line while others, such as China, probably never will.

I get the distinct impression that in the middle bracket markets of South Africa and Western Europe, the move towards common use of WhatsApp for business purposes is rapidly accelerating.

Evidence of this acceleration is partly anecdotal: we are having some interesting conversations with European property portals and big European real estate agencies after the Property Portal Watch in Madrid last month. We are also fielding significantly more enquiries from businesses across South Africa and Europe.

There is also data backing this up: one of the leading car portals in South Africa told us recently that WhatsApp enquiries now make up more than half of their inbound leads, only a few short months after adding WhatsApp as an equal call to action to calls and emails.

What are your thoughts on the shift towards WhatsApp becoming a primary business communication channel in your market? If you agree with us that the move is irreversible, what are you doing to prepare your business to make the most of this shift?

If you want to have a chat about our learnings and experiences in different markets or if you want to run through the presentation of which the above slide makes a part, give me a shout and let’s chat!

#WhatsAppBusiness #DigitalCommunication #BusinessMessaging #CustomerEngagement #CommunicationTrends #TechInnovation #MarketAdoption #realestate #UAE #CustomerInteraction #DigitalMarketing