Buyers want WhatsApp as a contact option. So if you are offering it, you are already winning.
Buyers want WhatsApp as a contact option. Our data from markets like Mexico, Dubai, South Africa and Türkiye suggests that where WhatsApp is offered as a contact option, it can account for up to 69% of all enquiries. So if your business is offering it, you are already wining by giving your customers and potential customers what they want.
But if implemented smartly, it also allows marketers, commercial heads and product owners to solve 3 basic customer journey problems.
This reduces the chance of a specific deal being done and the likelihood that the customer comes back to you or recommends your business. NPS isn't just a buzzword, it matters.
We help identify & improve weaknesses in the customer journey. But we also give you tools to jump into specific conversations when the person who was supposed to answer doesn’t do so satisfactorily.
With these tools, you can assuage frustrations, answer questions, maintain engagement & stand out from your competitors.
Keep the value of your brand in your own hands for every WhatsApp interaction.