Deep insight is needed for WhatsApp to be an effective contact option on marketplaces.

Of every 100 clicks on WA buttons, 60 enquiry messages are actually sent. Of these, sellers reply to only 35.

Of every 100 clicks on WA buttons on marketplaces in the automotive and property sectors, 60 enquiry messages are actually sent. Of these, sellers reply to only 35.

Why do sellers only respond to 35 of 60, leaving 25 (42%) potential buyers hanging?

This is arguably the crux for a marketplace: users take time to come to your site... find something they like... send an enquiry…and…crickets.  “This marketplace doesn’t work” 

We see 3 major reasons:

  1. Too many enquiries for sellers to keep up. WhatsApp is a great conversation tool but it's not a CRM.
  2. A WhatsApp notification doesn't fit the regular seller flow. e.g. Estate agents put a central number on listings that is not WA enabled or is not controlled by the agent responsible for responding.
  3. Seller lapse.

To solve the first two, the right notification strategy is needed. Notify sellers in ways that work for them: email, SMS or direct to CRM. Then bring the conversation back to WA to boost the human connection and set your seller up for real results.

The third issue is much harder. But the marketplace can remind or move the lead to a different seller. It can manage the buyer experience by informing of progress. Plus the seller can use the data to improve their internal processes and training.